Galactron MK2240

Galactron MK2240

Galactron MK2240
Specifications (according to published data)
Description: Integrated Amplifier.
Power: 2x40W/8 Ohm, 2x55W/4 Ohm, 2x60W/2 Ohm
Distortion: <1%
S/N: 96dB
Frequency Response: 10Hz-60kHz (±0.5dB)
Inputs: 5x line (4+1x Tape)
Outputs: 1x Line out, 1x Rec. Out., 1x speaker terminals.
Additional features: Remote control, Tape Monitor, Mute, ability to save level settings.
Dimensions: 448x440x136 (mm, wxdxh)
Weight: 16Kg
Galactron MK2240
Price & General Information
Price (€) 2.189,- (*)
Sample source Home Entertainment Center, Tel.: 0030-210-935.4500
Sample source URL
More Information
(*) Please note that these prices are for the local market where our review sample source provide their services. For a price specific to your location, consult your local dealer.

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